
Partners in Coventry Digital

Coventry Digital works because it is underpinned by a significant city partnership. This partnership includes major city institutions as well as smaller organisations such as community, businesses and artistic organisations, as well as families.

Each contributor is designated a number. This is to ensure that assets have unique filenames that describe the organisation, folder and file number.


For example:

0001 Culture Coventry (e.g. 0001_Maps_0031.jpg)

0002 City of Culture Trust (e.g. 0002_GodivaFestival_0345.mp4)

0003 Coventry University (e.g. 0003_LanchesterArchive_0211.jpg)

0004 Richard Sadler (e.g. 0004_NeverHadItSoGood_0011.jpg)


Partners also have a partner page which describes their organisation and gives them the opportunity to showcase their work in a gallery.





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